"If our devotion is to the cause of humanity, we will be quickly defeated and broken-hearted, since we will often be confronted with a great deal of ingratitude from other people. But if we are motivated by our love for God, no amount of ingratitude will be able to hinder us from serving one another."
~Oswald Chambers

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Death and Life

Daisy and I strolled through Edgemont early this morning.  The sunrise was to our backs, but it was breathtakingly beautiful.  We detoured through the cemetery on our way home.  As I read the tombstones, I recalled visiting my great-grandparent's grave site with my mom and the boys years ago.  She told me the story of how they lost so many babies and how her grandmother must have been in a perpetual state of grief.  Her grandfather drank quite a bit as well, I'm sure to numb his pain.
 Climbing the monument.  Titus must have been in a stroller.
Her father's family stone.
Their children's stones. I can't even...

This was taken during my walk this morning.
 I was unable to make out the wording on the upright marker with the flag and wreath.
But this was the one below.  How cool is that?  An Indian grave marker.
 It appears these markers were recently found and uncovered.  I'd love to know the history of them.

 Simply gorgeous view with the early morning sun shining on the cemetery.
 Facing the sun.  Love the shadows and outlines.

Of course, I thought of all the loved ones who've gone before me.  I miss them all, some more so than others as the gaping wound is still raw and bleeding.
I'm so thankful for the hope in Jesus, as I will see them again one day.

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.  
1 Corinthians 15:20-22

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