"If our devotion is to the cause of humanity, we will be quickly defeated and broken-hearted, since we will often be confronted with a great deal of ingratitude from other people. But if we are motivated by our love for God, no amount of ingratitude will be able to hinder us from serving one another."
~Oswald Chambers

Friday, April 17, 2015

Countertops - Step 2

For some reason, I was quite nervous about this step.  Funny, because it's by far the most individually creative step.  I dove in with minimal practice on the sheet of construction paper provided.  I used Step 2A Pearl Mica first and I decided, after reading a review, to apply it with a plastic bag instead of the sponge.  I'm glad that I did as I really liked the results.  More veiny and liney, if those are even words.  I then used Metallic Silver Acrylic paint from AC Moore with the sponge provided.  I loooved this with the Pearl.  It gave it a bit more depth but continued to lighten up the black base coat.  Gotta love more metallic and glitter. Then I hesitantly, opened up the Black Onyx and applied very gently and carefully using the sponge.  I loved this so much more than I thought I would.  I couldn't figure out why the put black in this kit.  Now I see why.  It gave the pearl and silver dimension that was much needed.  I sprinkled some very fine black glitter into the paint for yet more shimmer.  Then I went back over with a sponge this time, and reapplied the Pearl Mica to break up the Black Onyx.

I should have worn gloves.  I was afraid it would make the bag/sponge too cumbersome and difficult to manage.  The metallic and pearl is really difficult to clean off skin - note to self.

This is the Pearl Mica, my first application.

At this point, I'm getting more comfortable with the technique and feeling almost like a pro.  I think it took a little over two hours.  But remember, I'm slow and meticulous at anything.  Perhaps it would be quicker for you.

I had seen tutorials on veining, however, I didn't care for it and couldn't get the "look" down, so I didn't bother. Maybe it would be more effective on a lighter shade kit. 

 Personally, I don't think it looks like granite, but I certainly looks better than what was on there.  Perhaps more like a glorified Formica finish!

 You must allow 4 hours drying time before applying the top coat sealant.  I will post more once that step is completed.  Overall, I am very pleased with this kit and the product.  Although, now I'm even more anxious to get the floor project started. Just a little more orange left in here to conceal.  Also, the tin tile backsplash should definitely add more texture and character than the white bead board is providing now.

1 comment:

Jonalee said...

LOVE IT!!! you go girl!!